Strategies for recuperation after Sporting activities are essential to allow the body to recuperate adequately after exercise thus minimizing the risk of injury.
3 things have to be present and some others that can help.
Proper sleep plays a key role in muscle recovery and tissue restoration. Sleeping between 7 to 9 hours is recommended to allow the body enough time to recover fully from exercise.
Proper nutrition also plays a crucial role. Eating a balanced meal containing carbohydrates, proteins, and non-saturated fats two hours after exercise can help to reestablish the reserve of carbohydrates that we have in our muscles and accelerate recuperation.
Other recuperation strategies include contrast showers, which consist of alternating between cold and hot showers to improve blood flow and thus reduce muscle inflammation, and compression therapy to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.
Massages and the use of foam Rolls and facial sponges can also alíviate muscular tensión, reducing trigger points and improving blood flow which in turn favors muscle recovery.
By incorporating these practices into your training routines you can help your body to heal quicker and maintain optimal performance in your future Sporting activities.