What is menopause?
Menopause is a state of hormonal and metabolic change that all women go through. As with everything in life, the symptoms and signs will be very specific to each patient. Most frequently, patients complain of episodes of “hot flashes” that even wake them up at night, emotional irritability, decreased sexual desire, dryness in the vaginal area, fat accumulation in the abdominal area and difficulties in weight loss. Although it is a physiological process, it is a stage that comes only in the middle of our lives and there is no reason to “resign ourselves” to the changes that bring discomfort or discomfort. We have many pharmacological and non-pharmacological alternatives to accompany you in the process and make you live and go through it with love and understanding. At Sincro we have a team of specialists that allow us to carry out an integral control of your pathologies, schedule your appointment here